


Conducted by: Parul University

Venue: Hotel Regenta Harimangala, Bharuch

Date: 18th February 2025

Time: 11 am to 1.30 pm

Speaker: Dr. Pawan Dwivedi, Professor and Director – Institute of Leadership and Governance, Parul University

Topic: Transformative Leadership 2025

Attended by: Mrs. Uma Iyer and Mrs. Nirmala Paul, Queen of Angels’ Convent School

The speaker, Dr. Pawan Dwivedi, began the session by narrating two disastrous incidents that occurred recently, namely, the stampede at New Delhi railway station on 15th February and, the casualties when passengers jumped from Pushpak Express on 28th January to avoid the fire mishap, that was just a rumour. His query here was who was to be blamed for such happenings, may be no proper in charge person who would take up the accountability.

Kumar Birla at the mere age of 28 had to take up the vast business empire following his father’s untimely death. With no experience, it would have been difficult to face the tycoon world had Dr. Santrupt Mishra, the then Group HR Head and an excellent leader, had not come to his help. Kumar Birla today is the eighth generation of Birla Group.

Louis XIV (1638 – 1715) had ruled France for nearly 32 years. Owing to his outstanding leadership, people liked him. He would prefer taking suggestions from people. However, who so ever would like to offer suggestions, will have to undergo rigorous training of three months, as to how to present himself and speak in front of the ruler. On the day, the person would only speak what’s needed, Louis kept staring at him and finally would say, “I shall see!” In 15 days the  suggestion would be implemented with the person’s name duly inscribed. The positive quality of Louis was he had good listening ability that made him a complete leader. Use ears to the best. Since Louis XIV did not undergo succession planning and his heir Louis XVI was not as efficient as his father and was finally hung by subjects.

Be like Redwood trees, the strongest of all, whose roots are not deep underground, but are intertwined with each other. In short, get connected to one another. Respect each other’s profession. Respect each school and it’s management. Use peaceful time to increase one’s strength.

Coriolanus, the famous Shakespeare character, led Roman army and was a great warrior. He was so famous that people would gather in lakhs to glance him, at which time he would narrate his bravery incidences. However, his lecture had only I in centre, thus the communication was improper. Later, Coriolanus decided to campaign for election, but lost-reason being, he wanted to walk alone and did not believe in leadership. He changed his field from army to join politics, but was not ready to learn the new stream. Thus, a teacher should prepare her lessons in such a way as if it’s her first year of teaching, despite 20+ years of experience.

Preferable books to be read – 11 Rules for Life by Chetan Bhagat; Men are from Mars, Women are from Venue by John Gray.

Cooking is the best mental exercise. Every man should be in kitchen for at least half hour. This would help him to work systematically and plan well.

It’s necessary for every teacher to stay healthy. Whether the lecture is at 6 am or 6 pm, the classes would be at the same energetic pace.

Avoid excess use of mobile phones, should be less than two hours, or else will lead to memory loss.

Michelangelo, an excellent sculptor, was invited by the king to sculpt David. After few months, when the king came to see the final sculpture and noticed that the nose was not properly made. Quietly, Michelangelo obeyed the king without arguing and requested the latter to come after few days. This time he requested the king to stand at a particular angle from where the nose was seen perfect. In short, the sculptor did not change the nose of the sculpt, but changed the standing position of the king. Despite being perfect in his work, he neither fought with the king nor tried to prove him wrong. Always respect the boss. Use skills effectively.

Flight 232 flying from Denver to Chicago on 12 July 1989, the captain-Daniel Coyle understood that the plane is in threat and would crash at any moment. The four crew members together saved the lives of the passengers. Their only mantra was work in silence, faith, trust and excellent training. Teachers should be trained rigorously.

The session ended by felicitating various school Principals/teachers with memento. Sumptuous lunch was offered to the attendees.